it was okay
the piano sounded a bit sharp and shrill, though. maybe try adding some reverb and increasing the wetness a little bit. The piano melody got a little repetitive as well, but seeing this is a WIP that's okay xD
also, like HG said, don't use the preset drums. try layering the drums a bit to create a unique type of 'feel' to it. you can do this by having two kick samples in one present and increasing the attack of one while lowering the decay and doing the opposite for the other. The kick was a bit overpowering as well, and stood too much out of the mix.
The mix was also lacking a whole ton of lows and middles, and just felt really dry :\ maybe add a left hand part to the piano?or maybe some string pads.. or something.
it's a good start! keep it up! :)
3/5, 6/10